Kim Bowan

Born in 1959, Busan, Korea

Studied at National University

Solo Exhibition

1994  “All is Vanity”, Batangol Gallery in Seoul, Korea

1999 “The Memory of Traveling”, Tong-in Gallery in Seoul, Korea

2005  “Return to Life” Earth Art Gallery in Suwon, Korea

Group Exhibition

1982~2000 Ceramist Exhibition, Paeksang Gallery, Seoul

1985~1995 Exhibition of Korea Technologist Association, Seoul Museum of Art

1987~2014 Exhibition of Modern Korea Ceramist Association, Seoul Arts Center

1987  Exhibition of Environment, Seoul Design and Packing Center

1988~2016 Exhibition of Environmental Ceramist, Seoul Palace of Art

1997~2007 Exhibition of Ornaments Pottery Association, Korea Craft Culture Revitalization Courtyard, Seoul

2004  World Ceramics Biennial Invitational Exhibition, F4 exhibition, World Ceramics Center, Yeoju

2017  The 30th Anniversary Exhibition of Environmental Ceramists, Yellow Art Gallery in Paju

1989~1995 Seoul Modern Biennial Exhibition,  Seoul Museum of Art


Illustrations Research Institution, Culture Center in Wuxiong city, Kyushu, Japan

LA Culture School in the U.S.A