Juan Antonio Sangil

Born in 1953,Madrid

1972-1979 studied at the Ceramic School in Madrid

18 years is a teacher in the Official School of Ceramics in Madrid.

The last 4 years is a Teacher in the Art School of Jerez, Cadiz.


Solo Exhibitions

1982 Siena Gallery, Valladolid.

1983 Krac Gallery, Aranjuez.

1984 Te-Lee Gallery in Kausion, Taiwan.

Pay-Llia Gallery in Taipei, Taiwan.

1985 Rafael Ortiz Gallery, Seville.

Museum of Ceramics of Manises.

         Cultural Centre of Tainan, Taiwan.

1988   Seiquer Gallery, Madrid.

1990   Galería Cinco in Caracas, Venezuela.



1983  Second award en the Contest of sculpture of Parla, Madrid.

First award en the contest of Sculpture in the Biennial of Art of the Poly Technical University of Madrid.

1985  First award in the Contest of Manises, Valencia.